
The philosophy of OC&C Strategy Consultants is to treat each problem as unique, providing truly customised solutions rather than generic packages for our clients.

This selection of OC&C's publications illustrates our ability to think creatively, generate new insights and provide a fresh perspective on established thinking.

In this section you can view and download our strategic "Insights"; short provocative pieces that we write as food for thought for our clients.

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czwartek, 7 marca 2019

Pokolenie bez granic

Najmłodsze pokolenie konsumentów – Generacja Z, wkracza na rynek. Jakże wiele mitów i błędnych przekonań dominuje w dyskusji na temat tej grupy najmłodszych uczestników rynku

poniedziałek, 11 lutego 2019

Let’s get real about AI

There is an executive-level consensus on the potential competitive power of Artificial Intelligence; or as one of our interviewees put it “bigger than splitting the atom”

środa, 16 stycznia 2019

A perfect fit

The global market for apparel presents both challenge and opportunity. To be a winner, a brand must plot an ever more careful path: there is little scope to get it wrong

poniedziałek, 14 stycznia 2019

Revisit the Dragons' den

Following heightened economic and geopolitical uncertainties from the trade war and corresponding RMB depreciation, concerns over the strength of domestic demand and China’s FMCG market outlook are rising as momentum in both private consumption and investment has weakened

czwartek, 29 listopada 2018

Zdobywać serca i umysły

OC&C Retail Proposition Index 2018 już po raz siódmy rzuca światło na czynniki, które pozwalają osiągnąć najlepsze postrzeganie sieci przez konsumentów

piątek, 16 listopada 2018

Journey to the centre

Some international media businesses are shifting senior management and front-office roles away from London and back to their central HQs – and Brexit is accelerating this trend

środa, 7 listopada 2018

Czas na działanie

The Global 50 report is our annual snapshot of the world’s 50 largest FMCG businesses. Now in its 16th year, it is the go-to source for the statistics and big themes that shape the sector

wtorek, 30 października 2018

On the edge

With inflation in raw materials and rising labour costs squeezing margins, the anticipatory impact of Brexit is already being felt large across the UK food and drink industry as shown in our 2018 OC&C Food and Drink Top 150 report

wtorek, 23 października 2018

Bridging the trust gap

After a three-year slowdown in 2013-2015, the China luxury market is back on a solid growth trajectory

wtorek, 23 października 2018

Are you up to speed with Due Diligence 2.0?

In an environment of high deal valuations and plentiful dry powder, investors need to work harder than ever to track down the best assets and set themselves up to make a strong investment

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