
The philosophy of OC&C Strategy Consultants is to treat each problem as unique, providing truly customised solutions rather than generic packages for our clients.

This selection of OC&C's publications illustrates our ability to think creatively, generate new insights and provide a fresh perspective on established thinking.

In this section you can view and download our strategic "Insights"; short provocative pieces that we write as food for thought for our clients.

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wtorek, 4 lutego 2020

Koniec ery produktów! Niech żyje era usług!

OC&C Retail Proposition Index to doroczne, globalne badanie sprawdzające postrzeganie sieci handlowych przez konsumentów. Badanie prowadzone jest w 8 krajach i obejmuje blisko 650 detalistów, ocenianych przez 50 000 konsumentów. Tegoroczna edycja jest już ósmą odsłoną badania.

czwartek, 5 grudnia 2019

Life in the fast lane

The world of automotive is in a period of unprecedented change: subscription models, car sharing, electric and autonomous collectively will transform the landscape for all companies in the automotive value chain

środa, 16 października 2019

The sales force conundrum

Getting sales right is a strategic priority for B2B information companies. Their unique combination of high fixed costs and extremely low truly variable costs means that every new customer win, and every further sale to an existing customer, flows straight to the bottom line

środa, 2 października 2019

The economic fog

As currency-driven input inflation and rising labour costs continue to squeeze margins, the prolonged run-up to Brexit is weighing heavily on food and soft drink producers

wtorek, 16 lipca 2019

Classifieds 3.0: The reinvention phase

For classifieds, the ‘booming 2010s’ were a time of extraordinary expansion. However, as monetization has reached a natural ceiling, tailwinds have begun to evaporate in developed markets

sobota, 6 lipca 2019

Reaping the rewards

The Global 50 report is our annual snapshot of the world’s 50 largest FMCG businesses. Now in its 17th year, it is the go-to source for the statistics and big themes that shape the sector

poniedziałek, 1 lipca 2019

Raport OC&C Fundex 2019: A Ty gdzie bawisz się najlepiej?

Przeprowadziliśmy badanie ankietowe wśród ponad 40 000 konsumentów na całym świecie, aby dowiedzieć się, co naprawdę myślą na temat 650 największych marek świata w sektorze hotelarskim i rozrywki

wtorek, 14 maja 2019

High Velocity Retail

We partnered with the World Retail Congress to bring you the exclusive High Velocity Retail report. In formulating this report, we interviewed the leaders of global retailers from across the evolutinary spectrum to understand how they are developing their businesses within a High Velocity Retail world

wtorek, 23 kwietnia 2019

The OC&C Digital Media Index: Poles apart

Fake news, Twitter bots, and the Great Divide. Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Z. Polarisation remains the core topic of the news world in 2019 as the political landscape remains fractured

wtorek, 23 kwietnia 2019

The OC&C Digital Media Index - Online TV in 2019: Netflix on top but under attack

Netflix has kept its place at the top of our online TV index, winning across multiple genres and age groups. But being the rising star makes you a target

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