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martedì 25 giugno 2024

Making the Cut

Since 2017 deal flow in apparel has slowed and successful exits are becoming more difficult to execute. With an increasingly limited pool of exit opportunities and a higher burden of proof at investment committees around fashion risk, among further business considerations; the apparel industry is not currently seen as a ‘must-do’ investment. We, however, believe that the opportunity in apparel is undervalued. The sector is more stable and performing better than the investment market perceives.

giovedì 6 giugno 2024

From Clicks To Connection

Marketing and advertising is undergoing significant change, as audience attention shifts, buyer attitudes evolve and tech firms and tech advances open up new possibilities.

mercoledì 3 aprile 2024

Calmer Waters Ahead?

As we emerge from our post-Covid era, travel has walked a turbulent recovery path. Multiple barriers such as high-cost inflation, labour shortages and global conflicts have intersected to create a slow return to normality, both for consumers and operators. However, our joint research partnership with global investment bank and M&A specialist Harris Williams predicts there are calmer waters ahead for the global travel industry.

venerdì 22 marzo 2024

The Future of Personalised Pricing

As an approach to price management, personalised pricing accounts for the fact that each customer has a unique set of needs and behaviours, with their own specific decision-making journey that will differ from person to person. Great personalised pricing optimises price on a one-to-one basis, to acquire the right customers at the greatest level of overall profit and deliver them the best experience for them.

martedì 6 febbraio 2024

Cybersecurity’s next winners – Specialist Service Partners and MSPs/VARS

Cyber security is notoriously high-growth and acyclical so it rightly attracts significant attention from investors. However, the space is increasingly complex and rapidly changing - the goalposts keep moving for traditional business models and while some will come under pressure, others are especially well placed to win going forward.

martedì 26 settembre 2023

Mind the Gap

Structural skill gaps faced by businesses today are driving a change in approach to learning and development (L&D), fast. This includes both what the learning goals are, as well as how that learning occurs. A number of key human capital challenges - low productivity, difficulties recruiting & retaining talent, alongside a shortening tech cycle – and a need to drive mission-critical digital transformations are putting skill development at the top of the C-suite agenda.

giovedì 3 agosto 2023

Generative AI in Consumer Media & Internet

We all know that Gen. AI is the most disruptive innovation since the birth of the internet – the question is, what does that mean for your business? There are an ever-growing number of ways Gen. AI can be deployed in consumer media. These can present valuable opportunities for those to deploy it to their advantage, but it can also pose an existential threat to some businesses unless they act fast.

lunedì 24 luglio 2023

Riding the AI wave in Travel and Accommodation

Last week, our Travel and Accommodation team hosted a breakfast discussion with industry leaders, exploring how AI is impacting the sector and how brands can capitalise on this.   We’ve identified 5 key takeaways from the event to help inform businesses in their approach – both immediate and long-term - to riding the AI wave.

giovedì 22 giugno 2023

7 key pieces of advice for Private Equity Funds

We attended the leading Private Equity Insights conference in Warsaw, Poland in May. During the panel, Partner Bartek Krawczyk focused on sharing best practice from other private equity markets, that you might want to discuss further and test in your organizations.

martedì 30 maggio 2023

Next Generation Operating Models

Brands continue to find themselves under pressure from all directions. Cost inflation, staff shortages, and ever-changing customer needs are all contributing to margin compression, which is quickly rising to unsustainable levels. While increasing consumption has offered some relief to the sector, as ESG increasingly influences consumer decisions volumes are expected to slow or stagnate.

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