Making the Cut

Opportunities & Imperatives for Fashion Investments

martedì 25 giugno 2024


Since 2017 deal flow in apparel has slowed and successful exits are becoming more difficult to execute. With an increasingly limited pool of exit opportunities and a higher burden of proof at investment committees around fashion risk, among further business considerations; the apparel industry is not currently seen as a ‘must-do’ investment. We, however, believe that the opportunity in apparel is undervalued. The sector is more stable and performing better than the investment market perceives.

We’re pleased to share our latest insight Making the Cut – Opportunities & Imperatives for Fashion Investments. We explore what the current landscape looks like for both investors and brands, detailing where the investment opportunities lie and the imperatives that brands need to implement for investor preparation.

Some of the key themes found in this insight surround:

  • Market dynamics
  • Hot-spots in deal activity
  • Investor preferences
  • Challenges and opportunities for brands
  • Imperatives for exit planning

For investors, the right asset can provide solid returns and a less competitive bidder landscape. However, picking the right asset with key attributes across product, customer and brand identity which can create an advantage for new investors is critical.

Brands can best position themselves for investment through risk minimisation. We believe there are some key investor-facing metrics which brands should mobilise to translate the strength of their business.

If you would like to discuss our findings, extensive experience and how we’re helping Fashion brands and Private Equity firms unlock value throughout the investment lifecycle, get in contact with our experts today. 

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