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martedì 4 dicembre 2018

Psychology not technology will disrupt car insurance

The technology to charge by mile via telematics has been around for quite some time, so why have more people not switched to pay by the mile alternatives?

lunedì 3 dicembre 2018

Growth in the era of “Walled Gardens”

The broader US AdTech eco-system will continue to witness major developments especially around the increasing dominance of Walled Gardens, with further industry growth

lunedì 3 dicembre 2018

Is Airbnb yearning for the dependability of Bricks and Mortar?

There was an intriguing announcement earlier this week that Airbnb was launching a major new initiative to design and build a new generation of millennial ready houses

lunedì 26 novembre 2018

Bob the Coder

An upcoming boom in software serving the construction industry will drive several new billion dollar scale-ups in the coming decade

martedì 20 novembre 2018

Contactless coffee?

Interesting to see Costa Coffee's latest innovation aimed at driving a switch to reusable cups

giovedì 15 novembre 2018

The imperatives for retail leaders trading through uncertain times

Although there is much uncertainty surrounding the UK macro-economy, it is clear that for the retail industry, the next year will see some of the toughest trading conditions for a decade

lunedì 12 novembre 2018

Digital innovation, where China's underdevelopment is an advantage

China's digital development has attracted global attention. Last week I joined a digital camp run by one of the leading global retailers in Shanghai to discuss the new retail brand, HEMA, launched by Alibaba

lunedì 12 novembre 2018

Telecoms channel – Ripe for disintermediation

The results of our recent (2018) nationwide customer survey on telecoms retail experience are in and they don’t look good… not if you’re a telecoms operator

lunedì 5 novembre 2018

AVs allow proposition reinvention, not just driver automation

As Henry Ford may have said: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses"

lunedì 29 ottobre 2018

Alibaba's JV with YNAP: a short-cut to bridge their trust gaps with Chinese shoppers and with brands

In OC&C’s recent research on Chinese luxury online shoppers, we found that International platforms like YNAP and Farfetch scored among top 5 for overall satisfaction by Chinese users

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