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mercoledì 12 giugno 2019

Binning the packaging problem

From Planet Earth imagery of sea turtles, to dire UN reports on climate change, the pressure on consumer companies to drive industry change in packaging has been rising relentlessly

martedì 4 giugno 2019

Getting a taste for success

Consumer goods companies are right to embrace the trends such as health, indulgence and convenience that currently underpin product development in food and drink. But being topical doesn’t mean you’re always doing the right thing

giovedì 30 maggio 2019

Rethinking CPG revenue growth management: A 21st century approach

A quick scan of the business pages will tell any consumer goods executive something they already know: consumer goods companies are trading within a context that is new, different and challenging

giovedì 23 maggio 2019

Managing CPGs for margin growth

There was interesting news this week that Unilever is attaining good revenue growth through upward management of prices, even though volumes have been flatter

martedì 21 maggio 2019

7 surprising facts about grocery price optimisation

It’s common for grocery retailers to dwell on the topic of Pricing. Pricing is of course a massive lever on profitability. But there are some surprising truths about grocery price optimisation

martedì 30 aprile 2019

A new go to market opportunity for China...

Amazon recently announced it would be closing China's market place business in domestic eCommerce.

giovedì 25 aprile 2019

Mend not end - designing the 21st century sales force

Big companies like Merck and Microsoft have been laying off thousands of sales reps. Even Harvard Business Review has carried articles titled “How to Downsize Your Sales Force.”

lunedì 15 aprile 2019

Putting the AI in retail (Yes, there's an a and I in retail)

Last week my two World’s collided when on Wednesday, the Association for Computing Machinery, the world’s largest society of computing professionals, announced three winners of the Turing Award for their work as pioneers in Artificial Intelligence

venerdì 12 aprile 2019

Smartphone addicts and the reversing trend of driving safety

You read a lot about the zero-collision nirvana of autonomous driving, but cars have been getting safer for a long time

giovedì 11 aprile 2019

SKU cannot negotiate with gravity

“The odds catch up. Probability is like gravity: you cannot negotiate with gravity.”

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