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martedì 19 giugno 2018

Davids and Goliaths share the gold

Last week’s Grocer Gold Awards were a great reflection of the competitive dynamics at work across the FMCG landscape

venerdì 15 giugno 2018

Consultant 2020: how analytics is changing graduate skillsets

The new set of standard graduate skills will include being able to manipulate large datasets (beyond the reach of spreadsheets)

mercoledì 13 giugno 2018

Robots to the rescue?

Amidst the current bloodbath that appears to be occurring in retail there is a fascinating and expanding experiment happening with the role of automation

venerdì 8 giugno 2018

Western retail is idling complacently to its own destruction

Two articles struck me this week - both interesting independently but scary when put together. They led me to the conclusion that western retail is failing to take the opportunity of the high (or at least the 'not low') of the economic cycle to be innovative and to disrupt itself

domenica 3 giugno 2018

All change in media buying for advertisers

There's quite a rumpus at media agencies this week with the news that Accenture Interactive will provide programmatic media buying services to advertisers on an FTE commercial model

domenica 3 giugno 2018

Are the best things in life free?

Writing in The Times, Philip Aldrick has posited that a lot of the value, or “consumer welfare”, of the digital economy is not captured in the GDP statistics, partly because many of its services are free

mercoledì 23 maggio 2018

Spending a Trillion on ‘mom and pop’

In another astonishingly bold move by Alibaba they have recently announced that they are investing 1 Trillion Yuan ($158bn) in the street vendor channel

martedì 15 maggio 2018

Subscribing to Uber? What's the taxi equivalent of Prime's free delivery

Lyft are rolling out the subscription package they have been trialling for a while. It's focused on bundles for heavy users, selling $15 off 30 rides (worth $450) for $200

martedì 8 maggio 2018

Moats: Obsolete medieval fortification, or more relevant than ever?

Confirming his image as a 21st century Willy Wonka, Elon Musk has threatened to start a candy company

sabato 5 maggio 2018

The massive prize in supporting driverless, like testing and compliance

This Forbes article is spot on: there is a gold rush to build driverless cars, but the easier money is in selling shovels

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