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mercoledì 24 ottobre 2018

Autonomous vehicles will clog our roads and line the pockets of maintenance and repair providers

Prepare for the mega traffic jam of the future. As cars become more and more available through on demand services we may see a tremendous rise in traffic. Up to 90% on some forecasts

venerdì 19 ottobre 2018

The first rule of disruption

We've asked leading Retail sector disruptors how they see the evolution of the industry. They challenge the fundamental notion of disruption and set the wider retail industry 3 critical questions to answer

venerdì 12 ottobre 2018

A new way to think about growth in China

One of the questions we're often asked when we develop China growth strategy is how to segment the market, in tiers of cities, clusters or regions. China is the size of a continent so one strategy for the whole of China is rarely relevant

giovedì 4 ottobre 2018

The new polyglots

How many languages do you speak? English? French? Maybe whatever you happen to remember from GCSE German? What about R? SQL? Python? Julia? Perl or Java?

giovedì 4 ottobre 2018

Heading for a fall?

The anticipatory impacts of Brexit are already writ large across the UK's food and drink producers. Our latest review of the UK's Top 150 producers shows that whilst  inflation-driven growth has returned, that same inflation has squeezed margins and sent ROCE to 30 year lows

giovedì 4 ottobre 2018

All out attack is Amazon's best form of defence

Amazon's move to raise their employees minimum wage to $15 per hour is a strategic masterstroke

mercoledì 26 settembre 2018

Do humanities matter in a world of AI?

There’s growing evidence that government’s view on the skills required to address Britain’s productivity shortfall

mercoledì 19 settembre 2018

Will China become "flat" with e-commerce logistics?

China is "notoriously" complex and costly for FMCG companies to distribute and sell across different cities and channels in China

giovedì 6 settembre 2018

Startups sell the best shovels in the mobility gold rush

Is the real money in the rush to 'mobility' and autonomous vehicles to be made from those selling support services and infrastructure to the new ecosystem?

giovedì 6 settembre 2018

Ice and a city slice

Premium spirits brands find growth by deciphering the "social codes" of cities.

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