Our Insights

The philosophy of OC&C Strategy Consultants is to treat each problem as unique, providing truly customised solutions rather than generic packages for our clients.

This selection of OC&C's publications illustrates our ability to think creatively, generate new insights and provide a fresh perspective on established thinking.

In this section you can view and download our strategic "Insights"; short provocative pieces that we write as food for thought for our clients.

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Wednesday 14 October 2009

Building a brand Chinese can trust

In a market where fakes, pricing scandals and food safety are big issues, trust is the most important criterion for customers in choosing their favourite retail brands

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Defining the battlefield

In essence retail is simple; sell goods that customers want and find a way to make money doing it. This straightforward truth leads retail managers to believe that retail is only about operational execution

Tuesday 21 April 2009

New drinks, old tricks

Judging by the hundreds of new products launched every year, the beverage companies are an inventive lot. Yet, many of these new products are mere line extensions and few are breakthrough innovations

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Riders on the storm

Food and drink suppliers, even the globe-spanning giants, could be forgiven for a modest performance in 2008. Nigh-on unprecedented food price inflation was challenging enough, even without the tightest credit conditions in living memory

Thursday 05 February 2009

Only the strong thrive

It’s been a turbulent year for the top 150 suppliers, with inflation and recession both hitting manufacturing hard. The big brands are rising to the challenge, but own label and smaller branded companies are struggling

Wednesday 07 January 2009

On the rocks

Whitewashed shop windows, shutters long pulled down, a Woolies strip-lit and bare, graffiti everywhere - the toll of the recession is obvious in town centres and suburban shopping arcades up and down the country

Tuesday 09 December 2008

Xmas wrapped up

The frantic festive season is over and many retailers are breathing a sigh of relief. Charlotte Hardie examines the key themes in what has been a nerve-wracking few weeks with the help of OC&C’s Christmas Trading Index

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Recalibrate to win

India had been on a dream run for the last 3 years, but the year 2008 came as a sudden jolt

Friday 07 November 2008

All change

Old certainties are no more. But new revenues are there to be won. The Media Top 100 shows the diversity of the media sector and the rewards for businesses that are prepared to adapt

Sunday 05 October 2008

Price & prejudice

Retailers invest huge amounts of effort and money in price changes, often with little return. In our experience retailers in general do not pay sufficient attention to what drives the customer's perception of their price position

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