





Analytics through the looking glass

One of the biggest problems with analytics is the different expectations about what it is. Analytics lives (and tends to get lost) at the intersection between IT, digital, reporting and commercial analysis


The democratisation of Wholefoods (as long as you're a Prime member!)

We should stop being surprised by the boldness of Amazon's actions - but their latest move to offer 10% discount on Whole Foods items (and free delivery) to Prime members is a pretty striking oneWe should stop being surprised by the boldness of Amazon's actions - but their latest move to offer 10% discount on Whole Foods items (and free delivery) to Prime members is a pretty striking one


Waterstones sale demonstrates that post-Amazon retail is maturing

Although this will be over-shadowed by Asda/Sainsburys this week, Waterstones being sold is a testament to how much the high street has changed over the last ten years


SKU Rat vs. Cat Man

News this month of UK grocery retailer Tesco's positive results show the benefits of (amongst other things) SKU rationalisation - aka SKU Rat - with some of their categories having had a 25% reduction in the number of SKU


Digital + GiG = Big changes for logistics and distribution

Great piece in the Economist on how global logistics are being transformed thanks to digital, and, for the last mile, the 'GiG economy'


Delivery to the trunk - a peculiarly American answer?

Amazon and Volvo announced today a partnership to let delivery companies drop off parcels to the trunk of your car. It's actually second time lucky for Amazon: they piloted with Audi in 2015


The price isn’t right

Let’s say that business at your corporate software company is booming, with healthy margins and revenue growth. Not much more that can be done to improve things, you might think. Might as well kick back and relax. You’d be wrong


Consulting 3.0: The digital revolution is changing the consulting industry

Data analytics offers a lot of potential for those able to harness big data; as consultants we are on the leading edge of exploiting this to answer more complex questions, more quickly


Who'd be a landlord? The impending fall of retail rents

Most commentators seem to be missing the bigger picture when commenting on House of Fraser's public admission that it is considering a CVA to stave off administration and reset its rent bill


The Warby Wagon isn't for everyone

I'm not sure whether to be excited about or terrified by this article on the explosion in Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) businesses. At one level the idea that the Warbyfication of a whole swathe of poorly served categories is going to improve my life as a consumer is really exciting

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