





Marrying the dragon

In recent years, China has played a greater and greater role in the cross-border merger and acquisition market. Outbound M&A activities have been accelerating since 2008. By 2011, the value of outbound M&A transactions has exceeded that of inbound by 70%


Moving into the fast lane

The B2B Services sector is a huge and profitable market, but poorly understood, and typically given much less attention than more mature consumer-facing industries. As a result, grasping the realities of how this sector functions can be a source of tremendous value


Winning strategies for a smooth ride

There are growing concerns that the once sizzling Indian economy is cooling off. With the rainfall playing truant and industrial growth slowing down, both agricultural and manufacturing sectors are likely to feel the heat


Pricing for profit

Companies tend to set their prices too low in the business-to-business market. Regardless of pricing policy, some customers end up paying a price that is not justified by the amount they buy or the costs that they incur


Higher and higher

As Western economies are showing hesitant growth paths and uncertainty is freezing investment plans, growth options are dwindling for multinational companies (MNCs) and many heads are turning to China


Game on!

The online gaming industry is undergoing a period of rapid investment, expansion and innovation. In the last few years, investment and usage has shifted to new forms of gaming (particularly around social networks)


The good, the bad, and the ugly

The Christmas trading period this year may not have been a total wipeout, but it was a big disappointment for many retailers. And the stores sector is not out of the woods yet


The fog is lifting

For decades, customer service has been poorly understood – an afterthought to the proposition, a cost to be managed, or worse a series of independent and uncosted decisions which add up to an unplanned customer service experience


Enter the dragons' den

The Chinese dragons dominate the top end of the 'OC&C China 50' study of the largest 50 FMCG companies in China - 7 out of the top 10 companies are from China or Taiwan and 60% of the list as a whole is occupied by the local players


Size isn't everything

Whilst all good competitive strategy can be traced back to first principles, you may think that reaching back to biblical times is a step (or perhaps several steps) too far.

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