Our Insights

The philosophy of OC&C Strategy Consultants is to treat each problem as unique, providing truly customised solutions rather than generic packages for our clients.

This selection of OC&C's publications illustrates our ability to think creatively, generate new insights and provide a fresh perspective on established thinking.

In this section you can view and download our strategic "Insights"; short provocative pieces that we write as food for thought for our clients.

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Monday, 21 December 2015

Organising for value

'Telematics' - capturing and transmitting real-time operational data from business operations - includes everything from basic vehicle tracking solutions to complex fleet management systems (FMS), including insurance, optimisation and driver/operator performance management

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Serving it up

After another eventful year in retail, the publication of OC&C's Proposition Index provides an opportunity to reflect on the impact on the UK consumer and their rating of the country's leading retailers

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Foraging for new growth

Which way is growth? Sales and profit growth has slumped, the latest OC&C Index for The Grocer reveals, but own-label is finding its way more successfully through a changed landscape than the brands

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Sink or swim

Too many of the world's leading B2B Services firms are at risk of revenue and margin decline - and only a few are acting with sufficient aggression to pursue their next wave of profitable growth

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Flat footed

The sustained slowdown being experienced by the Global 50 FMCG giants is partly a reflection of cyclical exchange rate and commodity effects but also more concerning structural growth challenges

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Friend or foe

In Autumn 2014, OC&C conducted research focused on the use of 3rd party open video platforms by 'professional' TV players (e.g. broadcasters and content producers)

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The new normal

For much of the past decade, China has offered retailers and consumer goods companies opportunities for unbridled growth and long term potential

Monday, 27 April 2015

In need of fresh ideas

China's largest food retailers (supermarkets and hypermarkets) have suffered a torrid 18 months and will need to transform their offering in order to recover from declining growth

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Closing the gap

This is the fifth year we have carried out the International OC&C Proposition Index, a major piece of consumer research measuring shopper attitudes and perceptions towards the world’s leading retailers

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Flat out or out flat?

The UK economic recovery may be continuing (and wages finally growing faster than inflation), but from a retail Christmas trading perspective progress was uneven

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