Il nostro team TMT globale gestisce tutti gli aspetti del settore telecomunicazioni, media e tecnologia, avviando regolarmente collaborazioni a livello internazionale per i nostri clienti nei mercati di riferimento oltre che per eventuali investitori finanziari.

  • Il nostro team Media, Entertainment and Consumer Internet possiede una conoscenza profonda del settore media ed entertainment, grazie all'esperienza operativa di tutta la squadra. I nostri clienti includono alcuni dei più grandi brand nel settore media e entertainment a livello globale, in business quali la TV, la radio, la produzione e servizi editoriali per libri, giornali e riviste. Tali clienti apprezzano la nostra passione e l’opportunità di essere supportati da chi parla la loro stessa lingua lavorando a stretto contatto con loro.
  • Il nostro team Business Information Services & Media vanta una solida esperienza di collaborazione con aziende e investitori a livello globale in tutte le aree dei media aziendali: pubblicazioni e gestione dei dati, conferenze, reti, istruzione e formazione.
  • Communications & Technology: offriamo approfondite conoscenze commerciali e finanziarie a un settore in rapida evoluzione, in cui siamo ampiamente riconosciuti come consulenti leader di fornitori e investitori per tematiche strategiche, operative e di merger&acquisition.

La nostra esperienza si estende a tutti i livelli, dalla definizione di strategie sostenibili a lungo termine fino alla generazione di valore e gestione di strategie di turnaround aziendale. Siamo riconosciuti per il nostro approccio altamente analitico e pragmatico nella collaborazione e nel supporto dei nostri clienti.

Per saperne di più, contatta uno dei nostri esperti.

Le issue del settore TMT sono il nostro pane quotidiano, e lavoriamo regolarmente a progetti internazionali soggetti a rapide trasformazioni ed evoluzioni

Nostro pensiero

giovedì 6 giugno 2024

From Clicks To Connection

Marketing and advertising is undergoing significant change, as audience attention shifts, buyer attitudes evolve and tech firms and tech advances open up new possibilities.

mercoledì 20 marzo 2024

Cybersecurity's next winners

Cyber security is notoriously high-growth and acyclical so it rightly attracts significant attention from investors. However, the space is increasingly complex and rapidly changing. Based on our recent work, two categories in particular stand out for the potential to generate significant returns: Specialist Service Partners and Managed Service Providers (MSPs)/Value Added Resellers (VARs).

martedì 6 febbraio 2024

Cybersecurity’s next winners – Specialist Service Partners and MSPs/VARS

Cyber security is notoriously high-growth and acyclical so it rightly attracts significant attention from investors. However, the space is increasingly complex and rapidly changing - the goalposts keep moving for traditional business models and while some will come under pressure, others are especially well placed to win going forward.

venerdì 15 dicembre 2023

The next wave of Digital Marketplaces

In our second marketplaces annual report, we’ve conducted a major study of the world's top 250 digital marketplaces by gross merchandise value (GMV) to understand how they’ve been evolving in a post-pandemic area.

martedì 26 settembre 2023

Mind the Gap

Structural skill gaps faced by businesses today are driving a change in approach to learning and development (L&D), fast. This includes both what the learning goals are, as well as how that learning occurs. A number of key human capital challenges - low productivity, difficulties recruiting & retaining talent, alongside a shortening tech cycle – and a need to drive mission-critical digital transformations are putting skill development at the top of the C-suite agenda.

giovedì 3 agosto 2023

Generative AI in Consumer Media & Internet

We all know that Gen. AI is the most disruptive innovation since the birth of the internet – the question is, what does that mean for your business? There are an ever-growing number of ways Gen. AI can be deployed in consumer media. These can present valuable opportunities for those to deploy it to their advantage, but it can also pose an existential threat to some businesses unless they act fast.

giovedì 16 marzo 2023

From rags to riches

Fifteen years ago, when we heard the word ‘second-hand’, car boot sales and charity shops sprung to mind. Today, it’s come to mean something very different. The second-hand goods market (outside of China) is worth $180bn, dwarfed by the second-hand market for autos, but still as large as the GDP of Greece. This growth began with the internet, but it was the shift to online marketplaces that revolutionised the sector.

lunedì 13 marzo 2023

Investing in Sport: A Slam Dunk?

Sport is a vast, complex market – and it will continue to grow.  With evolving fan behaviours, increasing demand for rights and technological innovation driving growth, the industry is expected to surpass $800bn by 2027. There are many areas of untapped potential, as well as growth hotspots, ranging from OTT streaming services to gambling, gaming and eSports.

martedì 8 novembre 2022

Sound Investing

Music is roaring back as an asset class. In our latest insight we explore the value chain and industry structure, identify key trends shaping the market and unpick investment opportunity areas.

martedì 20 settembre 2022

Investing in Winners

The world faces a monumental challenge over the next decade in order to avoid more than 1.5C of warming and there’s increasing recognition of the crucial role that technology and software must play in enabling this decarbonisation.

giovedì 28 luglio 2022

Succeeding in a squeeze

With inflation at its highest rate in over 40 years, and consumers reassessing their spending, businesses will have to work harder – and smarter – for the money in people’s pockets.

giovedì 17 febbraio 2022

Private Equity & Transactions 2021

2021 was a record year for transactions globally – as activity remained exceptionally strong despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID pandemic, global supply chain issues and the challenges of rising inflation and energy prices during the year.

mercoledì 2 febbraio 2022

Making Direct Contact

The traditional barriers between consumers and content producers are breaking down. To remain relevant in the future, all broadcasters require a strategy and operating model to manage the shift to direct-to-consumer (D2C) across the industry.

mercoledì 19 gennaio 2022

Trading Places

Just fifteen years ago, the biggest threat to traditional commerce was the internet. Brands that were quick to launch transactional websites (and later apps) emerged as victors. Now those same brands face losing out to the emerging dominance of online marketplaces – the disruptor has become the disrupted.

lunedì 16 agosto 2021

Investing in the News: opportunities in a challenged market

The news industry – and TV news in particular – is a strange place to invest on face value. Nevertheless, there are opportunities for investment as incumbents seek to evolve to keep hold of their audiences, and outsiders seek to disrupt.

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