The democratisation of Wholefoods (as long as you're a Prime member!)

Freitag, 4. Mai 2018


We should stop being surprised by the boldness of Amazon's actions - but their latest move to offer 10% discount on Whole Foods items (and free delivery) to Prime members is a pretty striking one. 

Not only does this fundamentally shift Wholefoods affordability, it also creates a huge impetus for consumers to sign up to a Prime service that many were starting to question the price of.

It should be obvious, but at $800bn the Grocery market is clearly the biggest untapped opportunity for Amazon - and it's the frequency and level of consumer spend that also make it the perfect accelerant for Prime subscriptions. 

Whether the 10% discount makes long term economic sense will be interesting to watch - but the potential from democratising Wholefoods is massive and no doubt this is the bigger prize that Amazon have their sights set on.

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