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最后,我们协助实施退出战略——通过制定、测试增长计划及演练,为企业做好销售准备。我们会考虑潜在买家的情况、最佳时机、预测未来增长关键驱动因素的测试,及预测潜在买家的问题和关注领域。我们协助供应商开发销售方商业尽职调查( CVDD ),以支持供应商实现其资产的最大可能价值。如欲了解有关我们交易体验的更多信息,请参见我们的交易公告页面[插入DA页面链接]




Making the Cut

Since 2017 deal flow in apparel has slowed and successful exits are becoming more difficult to execute. With an increasingly limited pool of exit opportunities and a higher burden of proof at investment committees around fashion risk, among further business considerations; the apparel industry is not currently seen as a ‘must-do’ investment. We, however, believe that the opportunity in apparel is undervalued. The sector is more stable and performing better than the investment market perceives.


7 key pieces of advice for Private Equity Funds

We attended the leading Private Equity Insights conference in Warsaw, Poland in May. During the panel, Partner Bartek Krawczyk focused on sharing best practice from other private equity markets, that you might want to discuss further and test in your organizations.


Private Equity & Transactions 2022

A summary of 2022 Private Equity & Transactions activity by sector.


Sound Investing

Music is roaring back as an asset class. In our latest insight we explore the value chain and industry structure, identify key trends shaping the market and unpick investment opportunity areas.


The forecourt of the future

Electric vehicle (EV) adoption across Europe is unstoppable. For fuel station forecourts this presents great change and opportunity in equal measure. In our latest report, we look at how the race to net zero is impacting the evolution of EV ownership, the future of charging and what consumers care about most, alongside its impact on forecourts. We also consider how forecourts can approach their strategy to futureproof business models and embrace the opportunities that lay ahead.


Battling the bubble

Welcome to Consumer M&A in 2022. Valuations are at record highs, and trade and private equity are fighting fiercely for the best deals. With everyone gunning for the same growth areas, how do you ensure you’re not backing a bubble?


Private Equity & Transactions 2021

2021 was a record year for transactions globally – as activity remained exceptionally strong despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID pandemic, global supply chain issues and the challenges of rising inflation and energy prices during the year.


Trading Places

Just fifteen years ago, the biggest threat to traditional commerce was the internet. Brands that were quick to launch transactional websites (and later apps) emerged as victors. Now those same brands face losing out to the emerging dominance of online marketplaces – the disruptor has become the disrupted.


Private Equity & Transactions 2020

While 2020 was a turbulent year for the world, private equity activity remained very resilient – with the strong slowdown in activity in Q2 as the COVID pandemic hit followed by an equally strong step-up in activity in the second half of the year


It's the uncertainty not the hardship that's so difficult

It's hard to find the right hyperbole to describe these extraordinary times that we find ourselves in. Today more than a quarter of the world's population are operating under lockdown with this number continuing to escalate rapidly


Are you up to speed with Due Diligence 2.0?

In an environment of high deal valuations and plentiful dry powder, investors need to work harder than ever to track down the best assets and set themselves up to make a strong investment


Marrying the dragon

In recent years, China has played a greater and greater role in the cross-border merger and acquisition market. Outbound M&A activities have been accelerating since 2008. By 2011, the value of outbound M&A transactions has exceeded that of inbound by 70%

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