
Varejo é uma das maiores forças da OC&C – como reconhecido pela obtenção, por nossa equipe, da maior pontuação possível no UK Leading Management Consultants 2018 do Financial Times. Colaboramos globalmente para servir clientes de todas as variedades e tamanhos, desde redes de supermercados multinacionais até novos especialistas em categorias on-line.

  • No setor de supermercado nos associamos a líderes de mercado no Reino Unido e em todo o mundo para executar projetos estratégicos, transformacionais e operacionais. Aos olhos de nossos clientes, somos parceiros de pensamento para as principais questões que enfrentam.
  • No setor de vestuário, trazemos experiência de toda a cadeia de valor para auxiliar os varejistas a atender com sucesso às expectativas crescentes dos consumidores. Adotando uma visão holística de proposição e cadeia de suprimentos, entregamos recomendações personalizadas para o cliente e o consumidor.
  • Multi-categoria: Trabalhamos em conjunto com lojas de departamentos e varejistas ‘big box’ para lidar com as principais questões enfrentadas pela alta administração. Nossa experiência abrange um amplo espectro de questões, incluindo estratégia para categorias, redesenho de modelo operacional e expansão internacional.
  • Especialidade e Luxo: Temos profunda especialização em todo o espectro de categorias dentro do varejo, de descontos a itens luxuosos e de infantil a animais de estimação.
  • Modelos Digitais Disruptivos: As rotas para o mercado estão mudando rapidamente: plataformas, social shopping e Direct-to-Consumer são hoje conceitos centrais que raramente eram mencionados há dez anos. Trabalhamos com os varejistas para entender melhor suas necessidades e missões e usá-las para desenhar rotas para o mercado e modelos operacionais, que proporcionam vantagem competitiva real.

O cenário do setor de varejo mudou imensamente nos últimos anos, impulsionado pela rápida mudança no cenário de multicanais, com uma economia dinâmica e maior globalização dos consumidores. Nesse contexto de rápida evolução, nossa abordagem centrada no cliente, mentalidade analítica robusta e dedicação ao trabalho em parceria com as lideranças das empresas nunca foram tão relevantes.

Trazemos um entendimento incomparável do cliente e uma mentalidade analítica determinada para fornecer resultados globalmente em conjunto com os varejistas

Nosso pensamento

terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2024

Making the Cut

Since 2017 deal flow in apparel has slowed and successful exits are becoming more difficult to execute. With an increasingly limited pool of exit opportunities and a higher burden of proof at investment committees around fashion risk, among further business considerations; the apparel industry is not currently seen as a ‘must-do’ investment. We, however, believe that the opportunity in apparel is undervalued. The sector is more stable and performing better than the investment market perceives.

terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2023

Next Generation Operating Models

Brands continue to find themselves under pressure from all directions. Cost inflation, staff shortages, and ever-changing customer needs are all contributing to margin compression, which is quickly rising to unsustainable levels. While increasing consumption has offered some relief to the sector, as ESG increasingly influences consumer decisions volumes are expected to slow or stagnate.

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2022

The forecourt of the future

Electric vehicle (EV) adoption across Europe is unstoppable. For fuel station forecourts this presents great change and opportunity in equal measure. In our latest report, we look at how the race to net zero is impacting the evolution of EV ownership, the future of charging and what consumers care about most, alongside its impact on forecourts. We also consider how forecourts can approach their strategy to futureproof business models and embrace the opportunities that lay ahead.

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2022

The Right Fit

The Apparel industry has been subject to major market forces: the pandemic accelerated online penetration by 5-10 years, new marketplace and resale models have intensified competition, Instagram, Tik Tok and now the metaverse have proliferated channels to market, and consumers and regulators are continually raising the sustainable fashion bar.

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2022

Private Equity & Transactions 2021

2021 was a record year for transactions globally – as activity remained exceptionally strong despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID pandemic, global supply chain issues and the challenges of rising inflation and energy prices during the year.

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2022

Trading Places

Just fifteen years ago, the biggest threat to traditional commerce was the internet. Brands that were quick to launch transactional websites (and later apps) emerged as victors. Now those same brands face losing out to the emerging dominance of online marketplaces – the disruptor has become the disrupted.

segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2021

The luxury of choice: 5 keys to success on multi-brand online platforms

From plucky upstarts to fixtures of the mainstream shopping scene, online retail platforms have become a growing pillar of sales for premium and luxury markets

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2021

Opinion: Never again should we accept the notion of non-essential workers

It took a global pandemic to prompt society to reflect on the importance of work performed not only by healthcare and home care providers, but by delivery drivers, grocery store employees and other critical but modestly paid workers.

sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2021

Four sustainability myths: are they holding your business back?

The Covid-19 crisis has elevated the importance of sustainability, but we must banish old thinking to build back better, writes Deidre Sorensen

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2021

Hitting reset on luxury fashion

The luxury fashion industry is undergoing an important phase of transformation, initiated before the pandemic and now accelerated by it

sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2020

The future of retail in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has lost its status as the ultimate shopping destination for Chinese tourists

quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2020

Opinion: The new channel split is buying vs shopping

Online retail took a big step forward during lockdown but it still cannot capture the experience of shopping, while physical retail faces its own post-pandemic challenge

segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2020

How to win the retail sustainability game in 2020

Consumer attitudes to ethical consumerism are unrecognisable from a decade ago. In 2010, the public agenda was just beginning to shame the likes of the fur trade. But now, the far-reaching topic of ‘sustainability’ tops the CEO’s agenda

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020

It's the uncertainty not the hardship that's so difficult

It's hard to find the right hyperbole to describe these extraordinary times that we find ourselves in. Today more than a quarter of the world's population are operating under lockdown with this number continuing to escalate rapidly

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2020

Opinion: Coronavirus accelerates us to a retail tipping point

In a crisis as big as this one, acting on the immediate challenges is critical. Thinking about the longer term may seem impossible, or at least deferrable. But in many ways, it is even more important

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